Welcome to Disciple Texas
Disciple Texas is a spiritual leadership development initiative specifically designed to connect the hearts of Texas to the mission of God. We give structure and process to channel volunteer work into productive assistance for people in need.
We don’t just jump in and do what we want to do. We find out the specific needs and then connect volunteers with ways to meet those needs in an organized and helpful manner. As we walk this spiritual journey together we will encourage you to begin serving Jesus in a personal ministry. Use the video tutorials below as a guide to helping you make your life count.
Let's get started...
You will need a Make Life Count participant journal, or a blank journal, as we walk through this Life-Mapping process. Before we begin, we need to establish a few foundational principles that will help us navigate through life. Let's get started...
Now let's look at our Identity...
We have learned the importance of our name, the goal of life, how to H.E.A.R. God's voice, how to live doubly present and our spiritual growth map. Our next focus is answering the question, "Who am I?" More importantly, "Whose am I?" How we answer these questions will determine who we will become. Let's continue this journey towards making our life count.
Next, let's look at our Message...
In this section, we will help you solidify and storyboard your own personal Gospel message. Take your time during this process and write out your story. It is our belief that most people don't share the Gospel for no other reason than they have not taking the proper time to write out their story. We don't need to wait until we are Bible scholars before we share the Gospel. If you know a little, share a little. If you know a lot, share a lot. But whatever you do, SHARE!
Now, let's look at our Interests...
In this section, we will discover the end goal of our spiritual journey and how we can leverage our interests to find enjoyment and effectiveness as we meet, love, and serve Jesus and people. Our interests become the love language God uses to speak TO us and THROUGH us to those who share our interests. This is vitally important as we strive to Make Life Count.
Next, let's look at how to integrate Jesus in life's Rhythms...
We believe in order to Make Life Count we must allow Jesus to have supremacy, or be the main thing, in every area of our life. When we decide to follow Jesus we are choosing to step off the throne of our life and submit to Him as King. If Jesus is our King, we need to allow Him access to EVERY rhythm of our life. How can we integrate and connect with Jesus in our Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly rhythms? Let's find out together.
Almost finished! Now let's identify five People who will help us along the journey...
We believe in synergy, which simply means we can do more together than we could alone. We believe the more Godly people we surround ourselves with the more likely we will Make Life Count. We believe in finding people who are "cut from the same cloth" as us and then "sewing ourselves together" in the name of Jesus. In this section, we will help you identify the five people that can walk with you through the journey. God will always redeem our time when we set aside that time to make a personal life plan that includes Jesus. You are almost finished. Way to go!