The Old Testament
In this course, students will receive an overview explanation of the first five books of the Bible in order to better understand the beginning of the world, the origin of sin, the effects of sin on humanity, and the establishment of a nation with laws and societal organization.
In this course, students will receive an overview explanation of the history of the nation of Israel. This understanding will help students see the unfolding of the story of God’s people in the Old Testament.
Poetry & Literature
In this course, students will receive an overview explanation of the poetry and literature of the nation of Israel. This is a great course portraying the wisdom and beauty of some of the world’s greatest and most influential literary authors.
Major Prophets
In this course, students will receive an overview explanation of the Major Prophets of the nation of Israel. The reason they are considered “major prophets” is NOT because they were more important or more authoritative than the other prophets. It is only because these writings were more lengthy in word count than the “minor prophets”.
Minor Prophets
In this course, students will receive an overview explanation of the Minor Prophets of the nation of Israel. The reason they are considered “minor prophets” is NOT because they were less important or less authoritative than the other prophets. It is only because these writings were less lengthy in word count than the “major prophets”.